
Our Treatment

Body Hair Transplant

  • Body hair transplant can be body to scalp transplant or scalp to body transplant.
  • Dr. Halder is the pioneer of body hair transplant in Delhi.
  • A new dimension to permanent treatment of Alopecia has been added by introduction of body to scalp transplant.
Who are the ideal candidates for body to scalp transplant?
  • Depleted donor hair supply from the back of scalp-repeated strip or FUE procedure already performed, sparse hairs in the back of scalp.
  • Extensive baldness where donor hair from the back of scalp is insufficient to achieve a good coverage.
  • Stable diffuse hair loss involving the back of scalp such alopecia areata, cicatricial alopecia, traction alopecia etc.
Hair transplant in Chest and Pubic area

Hair Transplantation of scalp hair to the body areas is very uncommon.

  • Some people have sparse hair on their body in such cases the density of the body hair (specially chest) is increased by the transplantation of scalp hair using FUE method.
  • Similarly patient with sparse pubic hair occasionally comes to the clinic with request of hair transplant in these areas.
  • Since the length of scalp hair is more than the length of chest hair, therefore, the patient needs to trim the transplanted hair in about a month’s time for appropriate length.

Body donor hairs include beard, chest, axilla, pubic area, legs, forearm and rarely back of the body. Hair growth cycle, thickness and overall length of hair vary in different parts of the body. As the body hairs is different from the scalp hair in terms texture, curl and length, its predominantly used to give density and generally avoided for hairline design. Body hair does not grow much in length but they can be helpful in increasing the density of the hair. Hence body hair transplant is more suitable for transplant in men as they can keep short hair.

  • The donor area is shaved before the follicles are extracted. Technically its far more difficult to extract body hairs and expertise of surgeon is very important. In our clinic transaction rate in body hair transplant can vary from 3-25%.the time taken to complete the procedure is also longer. Therefore the cost of body hair transplant is higher.
  • Body hair can also be transplanted to the scarred area (previous donor site) to hide the donor scars.